Your project is now online, so….on your marks, get set, go! We’re down to business! You followed our starter checklist down to the last letter, you have cleared the initial stages thanks to dedicated supporters and everything is well underway.
The moment has come for you to write your first piece of news. These updates are a key element of your fundraising period because they allow you not only to show your motivation and dynamism, but also to let all your supporters and fans know that the project is going ahead, the clock is ticking and that it would be cool if they could let everyone know!
N.B : all the updates that you publish are sent by email to not only your supporters but also to your fans and are visible to everyone on your project page.
Put yourself in the place of your contributors: it’s great to see that a project which you have taken part in is coming to life, that there are real people behind the scenes who recognise the help that they have received. The effort you make will be another reason to support you as much as possible.
If Mamyrock is ok with it…
A little bit of 'know-how'. From observation of project owners there are four types of writing style. It’s up to you to find your own style and be inspired!
The Purist : a little bit of a control freak but in a nice way, he prepares all his updates before the launch of his project. Each new ‘development’ has in fact been meticulously prepared. Passing the initial stages, the first ten supporters, reaching 30%, then 50% ….all these landmarks are an occasion to unveil a new update, a teaser for what might come next and to properly thank everyone!
The Romantic : a bit if a poet, but with his feet on the ground, he puts forward news of his project much like a personal journal. Each supporter, each kind message or criticism is commented upon in the update which therefore becomes a finely tuned reflection of the author’s sentiments. Resolutely an artist, he might also post his latest haiku or the first three notes of a future piece. Watch out for him, you’ve got the inside slant!
The Reporter : Firing on all canons, a bit of a techie, he has all bases covered and his news updates are on the scale of a campaign. He relays articles written about his project, and tells of his latest trials and tribulations with the help of plenty of images and videos. He is an extreme Ululer who fears nothing and knows his success lies in the capacity to involve supporters in his communications. At the end of his fundraising, he continues to supplement the newsfeed to inform supporters of the project’s advancements.
The Showman : His supporters; he likes them, and he makes sure they know it! He proposes their direct involvement in the creation of the project and organises polls to ask them their opinion or a question. He puts in place the use of rewards which are playful or quirky. At the heart of it all is individual participation and he therefore publishes profiles of all his collaborators because he knows that a good project without a good team never goes very far!
Be inspired by all these approaches and give life to your fundraising!