What happens if my project doesn’t reach its fundraising goal?

First of all, the people who pledged donations to your project are not charged, the ones who already paid by card will get a full refund. You don’t receive any money. You are not obligated to pay any fees. It’s “a draw.”

We recommend you to thank all contributors (by sending a news for example) to maintain a good contact.



Then, take this opportunity to evaluate what has worked, and what has not. Take a few minutes to answer the following questions:

  • What worked well?
  • What did not work, or did Ululers not understand well?

Here are some reflections:

  • Have you followed the advice from the Ulule team?
  • Wasyour project’s idea strong enough for the contributors to support it?
  • How has your community reacted? Maybe you can build a network of fans of your project and re-raise it later.
  • Have you communicated your project among specialized networks like forums, bloggers, journalists, and other influencers who can talk about your idea?
  • Were you available during the campaign by posting news, replying to messages and comments, and sending personalized emails to your contacts?

You may have noticed things that could be improved, and you decide to give your project a second chance on Ulule.

Another solution would be considering a different form of crowdfunding, that could suit your project better. If donations would match better, you could try Okpal, a website managed by Ulule. You can create campaigns with no constraints of duration neither having to reach a target to get the funds. Creating a campaign is simple, you can launch your page in just two minutes!


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