How does Ulule promote projects on its platform?

We have different ways to promote projects on Ulule:

  • The natural visibility on the platform with the many people who navigate on it. In particular, projects that have the most support from different people over the last 48 hours are automatically displayed on the home page, via the "popularity" filter of projects that is selected by default;
  • When a person supports a project, he or she is encouraged to share it on his or her social networks in order to share it with family and friends.

Only available to our French users at the moment, we offer these two extra promoting channels:

  • A project of the day featured on our homepage, we do this to help successful projects going further;
  • A weekly newsletter featuring 3 to 5 projects projects selected by our team.

These last two will come later in other languages.

Ulule can act as an amplifier for your campaign’s success, but the initial leverage must always come from the the project owner with his direct network. If you can’t make your campaign work by yourself, our actions won’t have much impact: promoting a project that had no or few supporters usually doesn’t have any influence.

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